I wonder some days of the persistent sun, of its never-ending warmth; it is that which is and giving to all that we know as beautiful, marvelous. The night indeed has characteristics quite distinct, separate, if only that it is the blanket which lay upon us at the close of each succeeding day, yet to live in absolute darkness, as I can only imagine, would be to take from life the subtle glow of all that has been touched by the sun, but as she smiles, unburdened of tufts of clouds, still do we live in a burl of that which she cannot reach. If it were enough that the sun has risen...yet it is not. If it were enough that night affords to us a new beginning in the morning...but it is not, and that which wearies us grows to such extents that it swallows all that has freely been given to us, that which is hope. No longer then will anything alleviate the fever within, for the never-ending joy of a new day has been forgotten. Only until it be that which is enough to inspire us, endlessly, will we be free from the horror of the modern world.