Saturday, July 31, 2010

Unsent Letter


Books purchased today at the cost of spending time with my little old mother in her little old car:

-film version of Murder in the Cathedral
-Stephen Hero
-lectures on Russian literature

Early this morning as I snuggled my nose to nose my cat instead of nosing me back she stood tall and frowned and turned around as I said, ‘Now look at that!’ For she must have spoken to all the women I have known and they must have taught her that for who else would have told her? I doubt my little old mother, and yes she has frowned and on more than one occasion left me with her back, but never was it the same as the way in which that bitch of a cat sat with her back to my snug nose! Was it you my little Grace with your little pug nose wherever you are could it have been you who taught her such?  Surely it would be absurd to think that on a tumid summer eve you would have, while I was gently asleep, snuck in willy-nilly at the base of my feet, took a book or two- but are they not all for you already?-and gave lessons on how to lay with disinterested charm and could you have at least left me a cigarette? For when I awoke there were no more and I said, ‘Surely I could have not but smoked them all?’ Yet have not a fear for thankfully I found more, and a shirt, a cardigan, and a lovely dress I fear will never brush the canvas of your abundant skin but still I bought it and this I have written saying, ‘Skimble where is Skimible for unless he’s very nimble then the night mail just can’t go.’


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