Saturday, March 31, 2012

And be it as such, under no roof of the same shall we meet again, which, to say the least, befits us both. Since that very morning, no longer did I receive word from her; her life had grown beyond the limits of my reach. As of the last word which I did receive, was that she was moving south, to take a home in the town of the university where her newly beloved was to begin his professorship, and be it that one day these pages are to grace her soft eyes, I hope, and with certainty, that within her station in life she is happy, and if it be within his arms, then such is the case, for something within him has, and will have, brought her much joy, and as such, so too am I joyful. Much of course had passed between us both throughout the years which may not as of yet grace these antiquated pages, yet in time maybe I shall tell.

It was not long after that once again I found myself in the in the midst of things, in search of the soft smile of another, who might be gracious enough to bestow upon me a smile back and, as I ever so hoped, the blessing of her lips, yet I saw in every woman I encountered then something beautiful and longed out of its absence to possess that which I had convinced myself I had missed in the days of my youth, and with such brevity thus composed the follies of the dark and dreary days that the next few years of my life they were to become.

 I fell upon the sight of her and to no end would I have traveled for such as was her smile, and in the course of my life thus far it stands to be one of the greatest lessons that a man can learn, if such a man still exists, painful as it is, the boundless possibilities of his own being, being destroyed, from she who he longs to possess. Yet I am ahead of myself and as such shall return...

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