Tuesday, October 19, 2010

menses n. pl. monthly discharge of blood, etc., from womb.
mesode n. part of ode between strophe and antistrophe.
meralgia n. neuralgia of thigh.
mephitis n. foul exhalation from earth; stink.

(Slang and Hard Talk)

Chicago lightning-gunfire
Dip the bill-take a drink
Cough yourself off-beat it
Eel juice-liquor
Creased, bent- knocked off, also stolen
Circulation drops-drinks
Squibbed off-shot
New sweet-new girl
Giver her hello-say hello to her
Kick the joint-break in
Under glass-in prison, caught

- R.Chandler

‘As far as I am concerned, a mind’s arrangement with regard to certain objects is even more important than its regard for certain arrangements of objects, these two kinds of arrangement controlling between them all forms of sensibility.’

- A.Breton

Saturday, October 9, 2010

‘Everything is and is new. Only the imagination is undeceived.’

‘Has life its tail in its mouth or its mouth in its tail?’

‘Tradition! The solidarity of life!’

‘Only through the imagination is the advance of intelligence possible, to keep beside growing understanding.’

‘In my life the furniture eats me

the chairs, the floor
the walls
which heard your sobs
drank up my emotion-
they which alone know everything

and snitched on us in the morning’

‘Life’s processes are very simple. One or two moves are made and that is the end. The rest is repetitious.’

- W.C.Williams